Saturday, 1 December 2012

7 Week recap

Another instalment written a while ago that I didn't feel ready to publish, however here it is...

- Well that last instalment was what I wrote on the train home after leaving him in London to catch his plane to Australia...most of it very tearful. It has been an odd 7 weeks without him. Funnily enough it has got easier not because I miss him less but simply because I've kind of accepted this as something that is happening and the best will come out of it surely? Being apart has made each text and phone call more important and I can't wait until I get the next one.

So finally feeling at home in this new city. Very odd, people on public transport actually talk to each other and no-one seems preoccupied with escalator politics or newspaper reading...pity? So many new experiences. Trying to get my brain to function at the pace of a 20 year olds is definitely difficult....meaning trying to learn and remember what is being talked at me in lectures is difficult. This experience is nothing like my first one in London. When I stepped into that city, I knew people there and it felt familiar, I'd been there so many times...This place is alien, the people so very different and it is like being the new person in a class of strangers. Pretty certain I'm going to feel at home here eventually, the walk to University is finally becoming familiar, just one thing missing...

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